Adaptors are the key to ensuring smooth integration between systems, enabling compatibility and communication across different platforms or systems.
REDNET 2030 offers access to a vast library of existing adaptors, all of which can be tailored and customized to meet your specific requirements.
REDNET Traffic System Adaptors
• REDNET What‘s On Adaptor
• REDNET Create Control Adaptor
• REDNET Plan1 Adaptor
• REDNET Plan3 Adaptor
• REDNET ProPlan Adaptor
REDNET Adaptors to File Transfer Tools
• REDNET ATT Controller
• REDNET Tixel Controller
• REDNET MFT Adaptor
• REDNET Signiant Adaptor
REDNET MAM and Archive Adaptors
• REDNET Blue Lucy Adaptor
• REDNET Interplay MAM Adaptor
• REDNET Diva Adaptor
• REDNET Vidinet Adaptor
• REDNET Dalet Adaptor
REDNET General Adaptors
• REDNET SAP Adaptor
• REDNET MFS Controller
• REDNET Deutsche Mailbox Adaptor
• REDNET Sportradar Adaptor
• REDNET Crossmedia 4AllPortal Adaptor
• REDNET TVGuide Adaptor
• REDNET Pluxbox Adaptor
• REDNET ADB Adaptor
• REDNET GetCreationData Service (ARD Playout Center)
• REDNET X Adaptor
REDNET Transcode and QC Adaptors
• REDNET Vantage Adaptor
• REDNET Aurora Adaptor
• REDNET CarbonCoderAdaptor
• REDNET Baton Adaptor
REDNET Social Media and Streaming Adaptors
• REDNET Elemental Adaptor
• REDNET Facebook Adaptor
• REDNET Sophora Adaptor
• REDNET A.E.M. Adaptor
• REDNET CoreMedia Adaptor
• REDNET Broadpeak Adaptor
• REDNET Ateme Titan Adaptor
REDNET Production System Adaptors
• REDNET mimir Adaptor
• REDNET helmut Controller
REDNET Automation System Adaptors
• REDNET Aveco Adaptor
• REDNET Venice Adaptor
REDNET Adaptors to Newsroom Systems
• REDNET OpenMedia Adaptor
• REDNET Octopus Adaptor
REDNET Radio System Adaptors
• REDNET D‘Accord Adaptor
• REDNET Digas Adaptor
• REDNET dira! Adaptor
• REDNET D.A.V.I.D. Adaptor
• REDNET Newsmax Adaptor
• REDNET Radiomax Adaptor
• REDNET Telekom Adaptor
REDNET Sport Adaptors
• REDNET Heimspiel Adaptor
• REDNET Opta Adaptor
• REDNET Sportec-Solution Adaptor
• REDNET BBL Adaptor
REDNET Control Center
The Control Center provides Core monitoring and administration functionality to have a single entry point for your distributed REDNET application infrastructure.
REDNET Essence Service
The Essence Service offers an Interface to manage Essences and their Metadata within a repository.
REDNET Health Reporting Service
Enables health reporting for REDNET services. Consumes health events and allows the customer to define reports which are published periodically by E-Mail.
REDNET Resource Scheduling Service
Allows you to limit concurrent access of your critical infrastructure. Typically customers want to protect Videoservers, central file shares or other resources by defining a maximum amount of parallel read or write processes.
REDNET Transcode Service
File based transcoding solution using the MMI MEDIA integration framework with third party transcoding engines. It provides functionality for dynamic load balancing with a dedicated transcoding farm, monitoring of job status in real time and job notification.
REDNET User Task Service
Service that allows users to interact with your REDNET processes, e.g. to restart a failed workflow.
REDNET Value Set Service
A Service that allows to manage central value sets and define system specific mappings from one value set entry to another.
REDNET Watchfolder Service
Service that allows to monitor a dedicated folder and perform a predefined action on incoming files e.g. transcoding, broadcast, analyzing and many others.
REDNET Workflow Engine Service
Service that provides a dedicated and scalable execution environment for REDNET flows.
REDNET ID Generation and Repository Service
The ID Repository Service generates unique IDs for any kind of asset, stores associations linking repository entities and can attach any kind of metadata.
REDNET Graphics Service
The Graphics Service allows management of graphics and controls playout systems to dynamically display graphic overlays.
REDNET Authentication Component
Provides extendable and flexible authentication and authorization services.
REDNET HealthReporting Component
Enables health event publication in your REDNET application.
Enables REDNET authentication for UI applications hosted in the Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS).
REDNET Logstash Component
Allows REDNET applications to send logging messages to some logstash server which are then typically forwarded to an Elastic Search cluster.
REDNET Messaging Components
Allows to use messaging systems like RabbitMQ, Apache Kafka, ActiveMQ and Microsoft Message Queue to solve challenges like publication and subscription of business/domain events, scheduling work/jobs amongst multiple job processors and also reliable and fault tolerant processing in an asynchronous context
REDNET MssqlEventLogging Component
Enables your REDNET application to publish business critical events which can be monitored centrally in the REDNET Control Center.
REDNET ResourceScheduling Component
Allows REDNET flows to allocate a specific number of resources at a given time.
REDNET TaskScheduling Component
Can be used to create simple or complex schedules for executing tens, hundreds, or even tens-of-thousands of jobs within your application.
REDNET Watchfolder Component
Enables your service to watch one or more folders and trigger actions for new files within those folder(s).
REDNET WindowsServiceHost
Allows to host your REDNET application as a Microsoft Windows Service.
REDNET WorkflowEngine Component
Allows executing and monitoring of REDNET flows based on the Microsoft Workflow Foundation technology.